Plist to HTML TABLE converter Online

Input Plist

Output html table

Free tool for online conversion of PList data to HTML TABLE for use in other programming languages. Support download and preview HTML TABLE . file

While Plist is often used in applications related to the Mac operating system (macos, iosx) it is also a type of XML format.

What can you do with the Plist to HTML TABLE converter?

This tool supports you to convert PLIST (.plist file) to HTML TABLE (.html) (We call it plist2html for short).

The tool supports you to download HTML files (.html) to your computer after converting. You can also view the data and copy it for use.

How to use Plist to HTML TABLE converter?

Step 1: Select the .plist or .config file from your computer, or copy the content from the file to import into the editor.

Step 2: Click the "Convert to HTML TABLE" button and then download it to your computer or copy the content to use.

Why use Sita's Plist to HTML TABLE converter?

Because it's convenient, easy to use, fast.

Because it's free.

Because there is no need to install any other software. It is compatible with any operating system and any browser.