FFDD05 Color Hex

#FFDD05 Color Hex

#FFDD05 Color Information

  • In the RGB color space, the color value #ffdd05 is composed of 100% red, 86.67% green, and 1.96% blue.
  • In the CMYK color space, it consists of 0 cyan, 0.13 magenta, 0.98 yellow, and 0 black.
  • It has a color angle of 52 degrees, a saturation of 100%, and a luminance of 51%.
  • Contrast color of #ffdd05 is #000000

#FFDD05 Color Conversion

Hex ffdd05 #ffdd05
RGB Decimal 255, 221, 5 rgb(255, 221, 5)
RGB Percent 100, 86.67, 1.96 rgb(100%, 86.67%, 1.96%)
HSL 52°,100%,51% hsl(52°,100%,51%)
CMYK 0, 0.13, 0.98, 0
HSV (or HSB) 52°, 14%, 14%,
YUV 207, 13, 161
XYZ 67.124, 72.984, 10.693
CIE-LAB 88.44, -4.91, 87.795

#ffdd05 border color

.css_border_solid{ border: 3px solid #ffdd05 }
.css_border_dotted{ border: 3px dotted #ffdd05 }
.css_border_dashed{ border: 3px dashed #ffdd05 }
.css_border_double{ border: 3px double #ffdd05 }

Css background gradient color with #FFDD05

	background-color: #ffdd05;
	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffdd05', endColorstr='#4c4200');
	background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#ffdd05), to(#4c4200));
	background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ffdd05, #4c4200);
	background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffdd05, #4c4200);
	background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ffdd05, #4c4200);
	background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffdd05, #4c4200);}

#ffdd05 Color Preview on Black Background

Sample font with color #ffdd05 on background of color black

#ffdd05 Color Preview on White Background

Sample font with color #ffdd05 on background of color white

#ffdd05 background color

The sample font has a contrasting color to the color #ffdd05

Contrast color with #ffdd05 color is #000000

#FFDD05 is a bright, yellow color that is commonly used in design, branding, and marketing materials. It is a hexadecimal color code, which means that it is represented by a combination of six digits and letters. In this tutorial, we will discuss the characteristics of #FFDD05 color, how it can be used in design, and how to create it.

Characteristics of #FFDD05 Color

#FFDD05 is a bright, vibrant yellow color that has a high level of saturation. It has a hue of 54 degrees, a saturation of 100%, and a lightness of 54%. This means that it is a very bright color that can easily catch the eye. It is often used to convey energy, happiness, and warmth.

Using #FFDD05 Color in Design

#FFDD05 can be used in a variety of design applications, including web design, graphic design, and branding. Here are some tips for using #FFDD05 in your designs:

Use it as an accent color: #FFDD05 can be used to draw attention to specific elements on a page, such as buttons, icons, or headlines. It pairs well with darker colors like black, gray, and navy blue.
Use it in backgrounds: #FFDD05 can also be used as a background color for designs that need a pop of color. It works well with other warm colors like red, orange, and pink.
Use it in branding: #FFDD05 can be a great choice for branding materials, such as logos, business cards, and packaging. It can help to convey a sense of energy and positivity.

Creating #FFDD05 Color

To create #FFDD05 color, you can use a variety of design tools, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Canva. Here are the steps to create #FFDD05 color in Adobe Photoshop:

Open Photoshop and create a new document.
Click on the foreground color swatch in the toolbar to bring up the color picker.
In the color picker, enter #FFDD05 in the hexadecimal field.
Click OK to close the color picker.
Use the paint bucket tool or the brush tool to apply #FFDD05 color to your design.
In Adobe Illustrator, the process is similar:

Open Illustrator and create a new document.
Click on the fill color swatch in the toolbar to bring up the color picker.
In the color picker, enter #FFDD05 in the hexadecimal field.
Click OK to close the color picker.Use the shape tool or the pen tool to create shapes filled with #FFDD05 color.

Overall, #FFDD05 is a bright and vibrant color that can add energy and positivity to your designs. By using it as an accent color or in backgrounds, you can create designs that catch the eye and convey a sense of warmth and happiness.